Economic Innovation International, Inc. 


State Private-Public Partnerships
Regional Private-Public Partnerships
Market-rate Community Equity Funds
Targeted Venture Capital Funds
Technology Commercialization Funds
Small Firm Expansion Funds
Resource Based Public Trust Funds
Public Pension Funds
Development Finance Authorities
Regulatory and Tax Reform






Key Funds and Institutions

Economic Innovation has a long history of creating new classes of financial intermediaries which are then accepted by the market to accomplish economic development goals.  We create the first alpha and beta models which then lead to new financial industries.  The firm established the first seed and early stage venture funds, the first mezzanine capital funds, and some of the earliest and most important state technology commercialization funds.  Recently, Economic Innovation has created a whole new industry of successful double bottom line market-rate private equity funds that create measurable jobs and wealth in low-income neighborhoods and provide risk-adjusted rates of return to institutional investors. 

bullet State Private-Public Partnerships

Economic Innovation has mobilized large scale private resources to accomplish measurable public purpose through the creation of the dozens of  state private-public partnerships.  These institutions leverage private sector resources to achieve scale in a time of diminishing public sector resources.  In developing these key partnerships Economic Innovation  works with the private, public, and academic sectors to provide and execute a strategic vision and measurable performance for the state or region's economy.  Many of these partnerships have thrived and created new vitality for decades.

bullet Regional Private-Public Partnerships

Regional private-public partnerships advance this new field of practice by improving governance and creating private capital income flows that increase self sufficiency.  Increased self sufficiency, in turn, allows for improved governance.  To date, these regional initiatives have attracted more than $2.5 billion of capital and have generated significant income flows to support the parent partnership.


bullet Triple Bottom Line Community Private Equity Funds   

Triple Bottom Line, Mission-driven market-rate community equity funds are designed to attract large-scale capital managed by proven fund managers  into low income neighborhoods.  Community sponsors structure the funds to provide investors with market returns and community stakeholders with community revitalization and measurable job and wealth creation.   These community equity funds invest in smart growth in walkable or transit-oriented inner city neighborhoods with under-utilized workforces, as well as industrial and public infrastructure; address poverty, build mixed-income and mixed-use developments; grow local businesses, and clean up contaminated sites with market-based solutions.  To date, these Triple Bottom Line equity funds now have more than $20 billion under management.  Financial returns to private equity investors have equaled or exceeded risk-adjusted market rates of return of "plain vanilla" funds of the same vintage.



Triple Bottom Line Venture Capital Funds

More than thirty years ago, Economic Innovation conceived, designed and built the first publicly initiated seed and early stage venture capital funds in the United States that use private capital markets to create public value by underwriting new economic and technological innovation in underserved markets.  These first funds built in the mid-1970s have now been joined by more than three dozen TBL venture funds created by Economic Innovation in 18 states and four nations overseas.  Today, these venture capital funds have capital under management in excess of  $4 billion. In the beginning, these funds were often seeded by public and civic investment.  Today, the newest of these innovative, mission-driven TBL funds are fully capitalized by large, repeat institutional investors (the first bottom line) investing in low income communities to create jobs and wealth for community stakeholders (the second bottom line) and are green (the third bottom line).

bullet Technology Commercialization Institutions

Innovation is the key to global competitiveness in today's technology-driven economy.  Economic Innovation has pioneered the creation of more than a dozen institutions with assets in excess of $1 billion.  These technology commercialization institutions bring the private sector, private and public universities, and state governments into powerful partnerships to focus scarce financial, human and technology resources on commercializable innovation that create competitive products for global markets, and high quality jobs and wealth for local citizens. 

Over the years, these technology commercialization funds have successfully invested in every conceivable renewable resource, including solar and wind power, methane gas and thermal energy, co-generation, and techniques for converting traditional power sources into clean energy and sustainable development.

bullet Small Firm Expansion Funds

Economic Innovation pioneered the design and implementation of a dozen small firm expansion capital funds, more commonly known as mezzanine capital funds that today have more than $1 billion under management.  These funds were designed, through a capital markets analysis and business plan, then capitalized by institutional investors to create self-sustaining funds that invest in small and medium sized businesses throughout the country.  

bullet Resource Based Public Trust Funds

Economic Innovation has helped many mineral and energy rich states and nations to develop more than $50 billion of public trust and development funds to mitigate constant repetitive cycles of boom and bust, especially following the OPEC oil shocks of the mid 1970s.  These public mineral and energy trust funds were designed to recognize that oil, coal, natural gas and mineral wealth are non-renewable resources that cannot be replaced once they are removed from the earth.  By "locking up" a significant portion of these resources in constitutionally protected, resource-based public trust funds, and then employing the income from corpus in the service of improved education, health and renewable resource development, the non-renewable resources are converted to ongoing, renewable uses. 

bullet Public Pension Funds

Economic Innovation International, Inc. has a long history of restructuring the asset management of public pension funds.  This restructuring has consistently institutionalized the highest standards of fiduciary responsibility, modern portfolio management practice, asset allocation strategies, and alternative investment vehicles.  These alternative investment vehicles have included fiduciarily sound geographically targeted early stage venture capital, later stage venture capital, and mezzanine capital as appropriate asset categories.  Economic Innovation has been a pioneer in delivering sound investment policies which remain true to the highest standards for global portfolio management practice and the prudent investor rule, while fostering the creation and growth of profitable, productive small and medium-sized enterprises which create measurable jobs and wealth for the targeted communities. 


bullet Development Finance Authorities

Economic Innovation has pioneered the creation of over $50 billion in dozens of publicly created, but independent development finance authorities since the late 1970s that mobilize private capital from global bond markets to solve public infrastructure and development needs.  These multipurpose state and municipal development banks undertake large scale development to build or rebuild whole neighborhoods, cities and regions, build new towns, redevelop abandoned military bases, create world class research centers for universities, build industrial and technology parks, do in-fill housing, affordable and mixed-income housing, and mixed-use development.

bullet Regulatory and Tax Reform

Economic Innovation International Inc. has engaged in fundamental restructuring of commercial bank securities law and tax law as it effects private and public equity capital markets, as well as long-term, publicly traded debt markets in Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington and Wyoming.

Securities regulatory changes have been instituted by Economic Innovation in order to make it possible for investment banks, commercial banks, savings banks, S&Ls, power utilities, gas utilities, telephone utilities, corporations, partnerships and individual investors to invest in private equity instruments created by Economic Innovation in Arkansas, Florida, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Virginia.

Tax law changes have been instituted by Economic Innovation in order to make it possible for investment banks, commercial banks, savings banks, S&Ls, power utilities, gas utilities, telephone utilities, corporations, partnerships and individual investors to invest in private equity instruments created by Economic Innovation in Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Oklahoma.